I find myself wanting to put down some of my thoughts and give expression ot my feelings at this stage in my life. Blogging may be the tool. I am the craftsman. I hope my family and friends and casual viewers enjoy it. In the end, it is myself I seek to please.
At 7:33 AM,
Renie Burghardt said…
Your Mother's Day flowers are beautiful. I read about the sad loss of your son, Bruce. And of course, your other three children are a blessing. God blessed me with two sons and a daughter, and I'm so fortunate. I have a close friend who never had children. Now that her husband has passed on, she feels so alone and lonely.
I came to visit your blog from tossing pebbles. I hope you start posting again. There are so many kindred spirits in blogland.
Take care and stay well.
A blog friend in the Ozarks,
At 7:23 AM,
Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said…
There I see Renie wants you to blog. You could add her to your sidebar. She has a nice blog. she is a writer.
I have tagged you for a meme of 6 Random things of "What Makes Me, Me!
Mary, the woman who tagged me is nice also. She lives here in Ontario.
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